Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dental Rotary Instruments Lokking For Manufactorer Of Endodontic Dental Instruments Rotary(H-file) In Europe?

Lokking for manufactorer of endodontic dental instruments rotary(H-file) in europe? - dental rotary instruments

Manufactored Hedstrom files, K-file, barbed broashes, binder paste


Chairside Fellow said...


They are very common in the market. Many manufacturers offer good instruments for endodontics and typing "Endodontics + equipment + home" into a search engine will offer a range of manufacturers.

I could make some recommendations for some countries, but "Europe" is a little too far!

Good luck ... He was not looking for a long time.

PS: I hope you have a dentist! Otherwise, do not dare to play, things like that!

emmalue said...

Try this question:

Many dentists in the world. You need to register to read the message board.

Good luck.

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