Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mother Of Pearl Earrings Has Anyone Here Lost Earrings Or Other Valuable Items Recently?

Has anyone here lost earrings or other valuable items recently? - mother of pearl earrings

I know it's a strange question, but I lost 2 pairs of earrings Thanksgiving. I have in my jewelry box where they are cleaned. Then I went into the shower. When I went to them, who were not there. There was no one to take. I looked at my house several times, and the two couples Just Go! One was of gold, one silver. My sister has lost a gem in the same time, and my mother a pair of earrings with diamonds. My colleague thought that his cat ate his earrings and a silver clock was gone. It's just a weird coincidence or something more?


sandraan... said...

I would say it was a fairy in your house! Really! I know it sounds crazy, but true. It is necessary to create stories of milk and honey or a little brighter than silver. Then ask the fee for items that you can not locate missing or return things. Fairies love shiny objects and enjoy playing pranks on people. Use this information is ignored or considered worthless.
Have a great day and hope your new stuff
Blessed be!

sandraan... said...

I would say it was a fairy in your house! Really! I know it sounds crazy, but true. It is necessary to create stories of milk and honey or a little brighter than silver. Then ask the fee for items that you can not locate missing or return things. Fairies love shiny objects and enjoy playing pranks on people. Use this information is ignored or considered worthless.
Have a great day and hope your new stuff
Blessed be!

sunshine said...

My son has a picture of guitar I swear to disappear, they sat down to play. and then we'll see them everywhere! and back into the room and guitar. or put it in that it seemed.

RedReape... said...

I have a dagger and it disappeared some time ago. I searched everywhere and I could not find them, i to 1 day I found in a push to open more than once a day, so I was pretty sure he has not previously

Keita said...

I must say that you have some kind of little people at home. I will not say precisely whether a fairy or an elf - but you certainly have some young people in the village. Sandraanderson2003 do what it says - some pleasant sweetness to have the appetite of the friendly people and fun for you alone.

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